Chop Wood, Carry Arizona 3/22 🌅
Hi, all.
It’s Jess Craven.
I want to welcome the new folks to this list! Sorry to repeat myself, but you’ll want to start out by checking out the Adopt AZ Master Doc. There are loads of opportunities there to help us win in Arizona starting now, and more every week! Friendly reminder—I don’t have a staff, or an org, or an anything. It’s just me, so bear with typos or anything else you see. I now have ten state-based newsletters (with accompanying master docs) as well as my daily newsletter and my CA one…so there will be typos.
On to AZ!
First, I wanted to share a TikTok with y’all that I made yesterday (unless it’s the reason you subscribed, in which case move on to the next paragraph 🥰.) It got reposted by Anonymous—😳—so it’s getting a little traction, which is good, because the info in it is important. It’s about state-level elections and why they matter so much. I hope you’ll find it galvanizing. (Don’t have TikTok? It’s here on IG). The article it’s based off of is here.
After you’ve watched it and/or read Squadron’s piece please consider starting an Arizona Giving Circle with the States Project. This is such a cool way to raise money for state-level elections in AZ. The States Project will walk you through the process and offer you so much support! You don’t need to have any money to do this—you just need to gather some friends and ask them for money! More or less. LOL. Start here!Â
I’m also forwarding another Arizona-based opportunity that sounds awesome.
On Tuesday, March 29th, Walk the Walk USA (they’re amazing) will be in conversation with Reginald Bolding, Executive Director of Our Voice Our Vote Arizona and a leading candidate for AZ Secretary of State. They’ll be diving into how and where we can best provide support in Arizona to help fortify democracy in this country.
Click here to sign up now for the Zoom: Tuesday, March 29th at 5:00pm Pacific / 8:00 pm Eastern. Bring a friend. Heck, bring 10.
This is where the rubber hits the proverbial road. We can flip this state truly blue this year if we start now. AND WE MUST.
Thanks for all you do!